Energy independence as a service

Eliminate all the risks and costs of owning “green energy” projects without any debt or capital expenditure. A monthly ‘all in’ fee replaces any purchase, dent or financing.

What Is Energy Independence as A ServiceTM (EiaaS)?

EiaaS provides access to all the energy saving and cost reduction benefits of “Green Energy” projects for a monthly fee, including all maintenance, eliminating the risks, investments and cash flow issues of ownership.

Cash Flow Positive and Friendly.

The monthly EiaaS fee is always set well below the savings projected for the first year, to accommodate any fluctuation in savings from the project, and to ensure you retain a portion of the savings during the term of the EiaaS. Thereafter all of the savings are entirely yours to keep.

One Monthly Cost.

A single monthly operating expense payment covers all the costs, including installation, repairs, ongoing service and monitoring, without any upfront cost. At the end of the term (typically five years), the project can be bought for $1.

No Debt. No CAPEX. No Cost.

EiaaS provides maintenance-free, trouble-free, cost-free Green Energy projects, without debt or CapEx. This off book financing, pure-profit service eliminates the need to revise budgets or banking arrangements.

No Deposit.

EiaaS covers all supplier deposits, up to 50% of the Green Energy project. Monthly EiaaS fee payments typically begin upon substantial completion of the installation, evidenced by your ‘go ahead’ signature.

Enjoy Savings from Day One.

Net savings start day one, equal to the energy and maintenance savings less the EiaaS fee. Also, you can expect tax benefits from writing off the monthly EiaaS fee. This translates to additional profit from day one.

Everything Is Included.

EiaaS includes all the costs associated with the project, eg. product, controls, installation, contracting, equipment rentals, eco disposal, etc. – all itemized. This provides a single, known, budgeted monthly payment you can count on.

Rebates and Tax Incentives.

All utility rebates and tax incentives are paid directly to you, or may be used to reduce the monthly fee. Awaken is often able to arrange an Abandonment Tax Benefit for the disposed product, guaranteed by a Lloyds of London policy.